My Story

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Join me on the journey to learn, explore, inspire and live it!

I’ve been drawn to wildlife since the day I was born— particularly towards the animals society tends to fear the most! From a young age, I’ve been lucky to have incredible encounters with dangerous, yet magnificent creatures. 

One memory that clearly sticks out was my first encounter with a Black Mamba. I was on a walk with my family when my dad spotted a Black Mamba. While my mom and younger brother ran away, I begged my dad to pick me up over the tall grass so I could see this spectacular creature. The mamba looked us dead in the eye as we admired it, then a few short moments later, casually cruised off into the African thicket. 

Beginning in our childhood, society conditions us to fear certain animals. Snakes, lizards and other creatures lacking furry cuteness get cast as evil, fear-inducing beings. I want to see this change. My goal is to teach people about the beauty of all wildlife and inspire them with the same passion so central to my own life. 

Our generation of young adults has already been galvanized to take action towards protecting the environment. Wildlife conservation should be at the forefront of this conversation. I hope to break down barriers that disconnect us from the natural beauty of the animal kingdom. When people learn, they begin to replace fear and disgust with respect and empathy. Passion conceived through knowledge is infectious, and can spread across national and cultural boundaries. My desire is to ignite this appreciation by bringing unique and impactful animal encounters to those not regularly exposed to wildlife. 

So whether you’re stuck in the middle of a concrete jungle, or in the heart of a literal jungle, together we can work to bring conservation into the conversation! Regardless of nationality, we all call Earth home. And we all deserve to share in the same passion to love and protect all of its creatures. 

I hope you join me on the journey to learn, explore, inspire and live it!